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Big Tobacco Canada lawsuit – level 1

22-10-2024 15:00

Three cigarette companies, Philip Morris, British American Tobacco, and...

Town in the sea – level 1

17-10-2024 15:00

Baia is a Roman town. It is more than...

Runners and cyclists make art – level 3

16-10-2024 15:00

Fitness fanatics are creating art while tracking their runs...

Snakes follow divers – level 1

19-09-2024 15:00

The large olive snakes live in the sea near...

Singer Bon Jovi helps a woman – level 3

19-09-2024 07:00

Rock legend Jon Bon Jovi has been praised for...

Family Saves Bear – level 2

05-09-2024 15:00

A family in Wisconsin, US, went fishing; they were...

Tango World Championship – level 2

02-09-2024 15:00

The Tango World Championship in Argentina is an important...

Britain healthcare crisis – level 3

28-08-2024 07:00

In Britain, healthcare is facing serious challenges, including long...

Chemicals in Blood – level 2

26-08-2024 15:00

Scientists tested four sunscreen products and their ingredients. Participants...

Chemicals in Blood – level 3

26-08-2024 15:00

A study has found that several sunscreen chemicals are...