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Albania election – level 2

03-05-2021 15:00

One week ago, 3.6 million people in Albania voted...

Vaccine Passport – level 3

01-04-2021 07:00

The discussion of COVID-19 vaccine passports has risen as...

Dieselgate – level 2

31-03-2021 07:00

Dieselgate was a scandal which happened in 2015. The...

New Materials from Larvae – level 2

26-03-2021 07:00

The first insect farm in Singapore breeds Black Soldier...

New Materials from Larvae – level 3

26-03-2021 07:00

The larvae of Black Soldier flies can be used...

Robot Faces – level 2

22-03-2021 15:00

A Russian company, Promobot, makes robots which look like...

Robot Faces – level 3

22-03-2021 15:00

Russian robot manufacturer Promobot, whose service Promobots already work...

New Lion – level 1

17-03-2021 07:00

MGM is a US film studio. It starts in...

New Lion – level 2

17-03-2021 07:00

The MGM film studio started in 1924, and since...

Fukushima Ten Years Later – level 3

15-03-2021 15:00

It’s been 10 years since Japan’s Fukushima earthquake and...