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New Recyclable Plastic – level 3
24-05-2019 15:00
To create plastic products, people combine the plastic with...New Cancer Treatment – level 2
01-02-2019 15:00
Three months ago, a teenager’s doctors found a rare...New Cancer Treatment – level 3
01-02-2019 15:00
Fifteen-year-old Mason Ketly has a rare brain tumour that...Baby Silvery Gibbon – level 3
19-10-2018 07:00
An adorable baby silvery gibbon was born at Chester...Spiders in Greece – level 3
01-10-2018 07:00
Thousands of spiders made a nearly 300-metre web stretching...Very Big Nativity Scene – level 3
06-12-2017 15:00
Craftsmen from the city of Aubagne in southern France...Rubbish Cruses a Neighbourhood – level 3
25-04-2017 07:00
In Colombo, Sri Lanka, a massive mound of rubbish...