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Easter in the Philippines – level 3
31-03-2016 07:00
Nailed to the cross, Catholic devotees in the Philippines...Breivik at court – level 3
21-03-2016 07:00
Mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik raises his right arm...Breivik at court – level 2
21-03-2016 07:00
Anders Breivik is a Norwegian far-right extremist. In 2012,...About a tiger and a goat – level 3
05-02-2016 07:00
It looks like things have turned b-aa-d for the...Thousands of dead fish – level 3
25-08-2015 15:00
As they collect thousands of dead fish, the question...Exercise and get a free ticket – level 3
27-07-2015 15:00
Would you do 10 squats for free travel? Metro...