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Breivik at court – level 3

21-03-2016 07:00

Mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik raises his right arm...

Dangerous dentist – level 3

18-03-2016 07:00

This is the dentist French media are calling “the...

EU kills the Land Rover Defender – level 3

01-02-2016 15:00

It’s a British icon – the longest-running production car...

Big fire in Melbourne – level 2

19-01-2016 15:00

In Melbourne, 150,000 tyres went up in flames. People...

Big fire in Melbourne – level 3

19-01-2016 15:00

150,000 tyres went up in flames at a yard...

North Korea tests an H-bomb – level 3

11-01-2016 07:00

North Korea says it has successfully conducted a test...

Hate crime in Australia – level 1

09-12-2015 07:00

In Sydney, Australia, two men attack another man. They...

Hate crime in Australia – level 3

09-12-2015 07:00

This CCTV footage shows the attempted murder of an...

Islamic State oil goes to Turkey – level 3

01-12-2015 07:00

Earlier this month, the Russian military released this footage...

Girl with leukaemia – level 3

11-11-2015 07:00

Layla Richards has spent the first year of her...