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Ice Breaks Under a Car – level 3

30-12-2021 07:00

An Audi Q7 sped onto a frozen reservoir in...

The world’s largest dam – level 3

05-07-2021 07:00

The giant Baihetan hydropower plant in China opens for...

A bear gets stuck – level 1

16-06-2021 07:00

A young bear climbs up a power pole in...

A bear gets stuck – level 2

16-06-2021 07:00

A young bear climbed up a power pole in...

A bear gets stuck – level 3

16-06-2021 07:00

A bear cub in southern Arizona, US, caused a...

Glass Bridge in China – level 3

15-04-2021 15:00

In China, people erected a glass bridge that may...

Technology Conference – level 3

13-01-2020 15:00

The annual trade show of consumer electronics, CES, is...

Shooting in Arkansas – level 3

21-11-2018 07:00

Police stopped a man in Arkansas for a traffic...

Car Turns Over – level 3

11-08-2017 15:00

A man in Maryland, USA was sitting in his...

Baby Otter Is Saved – level 3

10-05-2017 07:00

People found a baby otter alone and struggling to...